
Entries are made using PhotoEntry (see below). Please ensure that entries are submitted on time and in the correct format. If you have problems, please contact the competitions secretary: well before the competition deadline.

Entries should be submitted to the PhotoEntry System by 21:00hrs on the Friday before the competition.
  • You must enter your images using PhotoEntry, which is a web-based tool for managing your competition entries.
  • You will need to log in using your User ID and password.
  • If you forgot your password there is a link to reset it on the left side of the log in screen. If you don’t get the reset email, check your spam/junk folder.
  • From the Main Menu select the Competition Group. This will be e.g. the competitions for a particular season.
  • Select the Competition. You can only submit/change/delete entries when the Competition is open to accept entries.
  • Check the number of entries that you are allowed for this competition. It is shown as “Entries Allowed” on the entry screen. The number of entries varies by competition.
  • Export your images as JPGs. Pay particular attention to the image dimensions, and the colour space. It doesn’t matter what the filenames are. You cannot upload a JPG that is larger than 10MB.
  • Click on Add Entry.
  • Supply a Title and select the publishing options and click Save.
    • The title may be up to 50 characters long
    • The title can only include alphanumerics and the characters ,.!’-%()$£
  • Upload the correct number of images. This will normally be one per entry, but could be higher (e.g. for a portfolio competition).
  • Once the messages for the Entry are green, your entry is accepted. You may still have a warning about image dimensions (see below).
  • Add further entries if you want to and have not already reached the limit. The “Add Entry” button will only be visible when the Competition is Open and you are allowed more entries.
  • Digital images must be uploaded using PhotoEntry before the competition deadline.
  • They must be in JPG format with a .JPG file name extension.
  • For proper colour reproduction they should be saved in sRGB colour format.
  • The size should  not exceed 1400px in the horizontal and 1050px in the vertical.
    • Larger images will be automatically resized by PhotoEntry but the quality may not be as good as if you resize and sharpen in your software.
    • Smaller images will not be enlarged. They will be projected at their original size.
  • Maximum filesize is 10M.
  • To enter a print, you must upload a PDI version of the print using PhotoEntry with the correct title.
  • You must bring the print along on the evening of the competition and collect it afterwards.
  • Prints must be appropriately mounted for display on a stiff material.
  • There must be no glass or plastic covering the image.
  • Maximum overall size (including mount) is 500mm x 400mm for Landscape orientation or 400mm x 500mm for Portrait orientation
  • Minimum overall size is 175 mm x 125 mm
  • The rear of the print must be marked with your name and the Title of the print.

When a competition is held, the judge is briefed by the competition secretary on what to expect and what is required. For example, an “Open” competition the brief sent to the judge will be:

Marlow Camera Club have recently changed how we’re doing competitions and are trying something new (to us) this season: we are removing the requirement to score every image and asking the judge to focus on the commentary rather than the scoring. (Hopefully this makes your job easier!)  We are asking for images to be placed 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Highly commended, and commended. The club hopes that this will encourage more creative entries and more work from beginners. 

What we’re asking is:

  • Please comment on each image in turn, as you see fit, but…
  • …Bear in mind images are from a mix of ability and experience, so please tailor commentary appropriately.
  • Please prioritise comments on originality/creative/artistic elements. 
  • We need 1st-2nd-3rd-Highly Commended and Commended for both PDIs and Prints.
  • Ideally one image each in 1/2/3 and a number of Highly Commended and Commended
  • Joint 1st/2nd/3rd is fine, if needed.

If there is a theme to the competition, the judge is given the same information as was given to the members as to the nature of the theme and what the intent is. See the above section “Competitions this season” for information on this.